Studio B/IzRosa: Progress Report II

Welcome Back! So much has changed since the last progress report for Studio B, and it has been WILD! If you haven’t read the last one, what on earth are you doing here? Go read it. Now. Although I know how lazy I can be so I’ll give you a brief recap. Studio B’s original purpose was to be a community platform where musicians and songwriters could connect with each other and work together on musical compositions and projects. It was being hosted on Discord and advertised on twitter and Instagram.

Since creating Studio B, I’ve hit a few roadblocks, specifically a lack of audience engagement and little to no growth since its conception. Some attempts to negate this include an Instagram page to gain new members, and the introduction of an online open mic with prizes to be won. Unfortunately, both attempts were fairly unsuccessful and have led me to the decision to change the direction of Studio B.

Once the decision was made to change the direction of Studio B, some major brainstorming was required to figure out where to go next. One idea was to leech off of existing content creators that were targeting the same audience in an attempt to grow Studio B as a community platform, by basing it off the content made by the chosen creator. After researching several existing content creators on Twitch.TV, YouTube, TikTok and Reddit, I discovered that most established content creators will already have a dedicated discord server and leeching off one of them would be extremely complicated and would likely be a wasted effort. I them decided to change Studio B to a content-based project, rather than community-based. This lead to more research of the possible platforms that could be used to host the project, predominately TikTok, Twitch and YouTube. The first attempt to create content was on Twitch.TV, but was shut down very quickly when doing a test stream, as the test showed that both my computer and internet connection were inadequate for streaming. YouTube was the next attempt, but after some research, I decided that content creation of YouTube is over-saturated and the likelihood of gaining an audience through YouTube was slim to none. TikTok was the last option, and as I already had an account with some followers, I knew it was at least possible to gain an audience on this platform and decided to go for it.

Now that I have conveyed where the content will be, I think it’s time I told you what the content will be. Now, after some research into TikTok trends and popular content, I’ve decided to pursue the alt/e-girl community. As an audience of this community, I have experienced and witness that many people have been unable to join the community due to body image issues, where they have felt that they didn’t have the exact figure to dress and create content within the alt/e-girl community, myself included.

Through my TikTok account, I intend to create content that encourages the participation in these popular trends and engaging with the community by actively participating in these trends and showing how you shouldn’t let your lack of confidence stop you from pursuing your target aesthetic and being part of a community, rather than watching from the sidelines.

Previous Audience Starter Pack vs Current Audience Starter Pack.

Now that my content has changed from being purely music based, to being bsed on content creation that follows trends that many would feel too shy or lack the confidence to participate in, the target audience has changed from what it previously was. The above image shows a side-by-side comparison of the previous and current audience starter packs. The new starter pack reflects the aesthetic of the audience as well as perceived habits and ways of thinking.

In a similar fashion to the audience starter packs, the logo for the project has changed to reflect the change in aesthetics and the general direction of the project. Given that the platform has changed, It seemed appropriate that the name should change to better match the platform. My account username for TikTok is @iz_rosa (which also happens to be my gamer tag) and felt like a good name for the online persona as well as the project itself.

Previous mood board vs current mood board.

The change in direction for the project seems quite drastic, especially when seeing the side-by-side comparison of the previous and current mood boards. The old aesthetic was very music production-heavy with the main aesthetic being based around what they might use as a musician or producer, whereas the new mood board reflects the aesthetic of the audience, such as the clothes they mighty wear, the music they might listen to, and what they’re rooms might look like.

Honestly, I’m really excited to start making content on TikTok again and engaging with a real audience. The discord for Studio B, as well as the Instagram page will likely stay as they are for the moment, but may be removed or altered to suit the new direction of the project. If you are as excited for the new content as I am, feel free to add me on TikTok @iz_rosa.

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