I’m Back!

It’s that time again with uni starting up this week, where you get to see my beautiful attempt at writing blog posts about my truly interesting and engaging life. this semester you will be seeing posts for BCM112, BCM212, and BCM222. The post your reading right now is especially dedicated to BCM212 where we will be delving to research projects and learning to understand more about curiosity.

Living 15 minutes north of campus sounds awesome in theory, but it pains me to say that all of my subjects are online again, so my geographical location hasn’t provided too many perks on that front. Before I applied to UOW I had no idea that most of my time would be sat on my bed or my desk talking to people that I should have been chatting to as I entered one of the rooms in building 19. I expected to make so many friends that i could go on midnight Kmart runs or pub crawls with, but the reality is that there is so little opportunity to make friends in this online environment.

The lecturer for BCM212 has asked us to interview someone who never went to university and ask them, “what is one thing that comes to your mind when I say “university student”?”, to which she replied “Hungry” (it makes sense, she’s a chef and my mother, so her first thought would be that they’re poor, tired and hungry), but she may have inadvertently stumbled on a much wiser answer than anticipated, as hungry can apply to more than food. Many university students come because they are hungry for knowledge, friendship, or a need to satisfy their curiosity. I think she’s right when it comes to food though, I have a few uni friends that are so tight on money, they have to eat noodles and sausages for up to a week at a time.

Whatever the reason people come to Uni, I hope they can satisfy their hunger, as I hope to do this semester, and I can’t wait to show you the wild ideas that I have for the upcoming research task. See you all soon!

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