BCM241 DA; Treatment of Female Video Game Streamers

Links to all aspects of my DA: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iz_rosa Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iz_rosa_is_pog/ Discord: https://discord.gg/YaBN6bTEcj The journey over the last few months with this DA has been filled with hiccups and F**k-ups. The first month of streaming was great. I had created a stream schedule for the pitch video and managed to stick to it flawlessly. InContinue reading “BCM241 DA; Treatment of Female Video Game Streamers”

Observation of Twitch Streamers

Over the last few months of streaming, I have had many insightful experiences, both positive and negative. Unfortunately, the negatives seem to overwhelm the positives by a staggering amount. This has come in several forms, such as in my twitch chat, Discord server, My Discord DMs, and my Twitch DMs where I have had viewersContinue reading “Observation of Twitch Streamers”

Am I good at Giving Feedback?

After examining three pitches for bcm241 and providing feedback, I have realised that when pressed to mark multiple assignments in a short time, it is easiest to create Pitches that explicitly include all the required concepts in a clear and succinct way, because if parts of the criteria are missing, or not obvious, you willContinue reading “Am I good at Giving Feedback?”

How Are Female Video Game Streamers Treated In The Industry? (DA Pitch)

Media Niche: Treatment of Female video game streamers Field Of Inquiry:  Twitch.Tv Video game content Wamen Persona Publicness: Alias of Iz_Rosa Nothing can be linked to my real identity (except paypal, but I’m working on that) Alias for tiktok, instagram, discord, twitch, twitter. Face is shown, voice is heard, can see my room, fairly openContinue reading “How Are Female Video Game Streamers Treated In The Industry? (DA Pitch)”

Only Fans, Private Messages and ‘Simps’; The treatment of Female Streamers in the Video Game Industry

In the next few weeks I hope to explore how women are treated in the video game industry. This topic will have a specific focus on women who broadcast their gameplay on streaming sites such as Twitch.TV and how male viewers tend to fail to treat these women with respect, or blatantly disrespect them throughContinue reading “Only Fans, Private Messages and ‘Simps’; The treatment of Female Streamers in the Video Game Industry”

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