The future as Predicted by Futurist Movies From 2016-2021

In the second half of this semester we watched and discussed four movies as a class through live-tweeting. These movies discuss themes such as how people of different nations, cities and countries react to possible world-ending or lifestyle altering events challenge a group of people. They also discuss how an imbalance of power can causeContinue reading “The future as Predicted by Futurist Movies From 2016-2021”

Welcome to the future! Was it predictable, or completely left field?

So we’re back again? Repeating the cycle of having a grand idea, getting it started with some energy, and then the universe throws another slew of problems at you that just get in the bloody way? Yeah, me too. This semester was probably the worst I’ve had in a while. Even before I submitted myContinue reading “Welcome to the future! Was it predictable, or completely left field?”

Lazy or unmotivated? Where did I go wrong? (I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness)

The three Pitch videos I reviewed and commented on had very succinct, yet detailed videos that covered most of the criteria required for this assignment They each had a well laid out production timeline with details about content and research with specific days and weeks and applied the lecture concepts to their blogs in varyingContinue reading “Lazy or unmotivated? Where did I go wrong? (I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness)”

Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, and The Matrix: Visions of the future

Blade Runner (1982) Bladerunner had a recurring theme of using dehumanising tactics such as calling the slave labour clones, known as replicants, derogatory terms such as ‘skin jobs’ and calling their execution ‘retirement’. This is similar to the propaganda created by Goebbels for the Nazi party to dehumanise and vilify Jews. Two of my peersContinue reading “Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, and The Matrix: Visions of the future”

‘Making it’ in The Live Streaming Industry

Link to Canva Slides: My Predictions: I predict that with weekly content and current growth trends, my stream’s audience and reach will have grown by the end of the two weeks. This growth will look like an increase in followers from 150 (as at 18/03/2022) to 300 and an increase in subscribers from 2 (asContinue reading “‘Making it’ in The Live Streaming Industry”

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